Simple E-Commerce for Your Business.
A Simple, Customizable, E-Commerce Website
For any small to medium-sized businesses, so they can easily sell their products online.
Demo Highlights
  • This demo site template/ implementation represents a simple e-commerce platform for a custom food business.
    It can be modified for your business i.e. images, colors, etc.
    We can add additional pages i.e. About Us, Contact, etc.
    You could also keep this site simple, like just the Order and Feedback pages and simply have an "Order Online" link from your other site(s).
  • To test purchasing items, you will first need to register, and then also login.
  • This site is driven by an Admin Console, which means the administrator of the site can do the following simple steps and sell their products online:
    1. Add an image of their product.
    2. Enter relevant information for their product.
    3. Review their product and then set it as active - voila!
  • This site is 'responsive', meaning it will reconfigure itself for smaller devices i.e. phones or tablets.
    Note: The Admin Console was designed to be used on a monitor or maybe a tablet, but the user interface (what any customers use) is completely responsive and can be used on a phone.
  • I will need to provide you with an Admin Login.